Thursday, December 13, 2012

Extra Credit - The Media Equation & Why We Make Mistakes

The Media Equation

This chapter was about politeness and the aspect of introducing that concept with the digital world. Humans and humans often have issues being honest between each other and politeness plays a big part in social interactions. Computers on the other hand are stoic and do not have feelings. When the aspect of emotions are placed on a non human device, can the same respect be given to these devices? A few experiments regarding computers and their ability to spark polite and/or truthful responses from human interactions were performed. A look into the placement of computers, who programmed them, and the type of survey conducted were all recognized as important aspects in humans being polite about computers.

What I found interesting is that although some people may argue that computers don't have feelings and don't warrant polite responses otherwise, they were programmed by a real human counter-part. Me personally, I would take into consideration the programmer's feelings even though the computer may not be real. This was talked about a bit and I found it interesting that something I normally do was conversed about.

One of the most important things I got out of this was that the author argued that quality, quantity, relevance, and clarity are four important principles that help with polite interaction. Quality pertains to accuracy or a degree of truth in something being said. Quantity pertains to partaking in response to only what the conversation asks. Relevance is along the same idea but should clearly relate to the purpose of the conversation. Clarity shouldn't obscure and should be precise in what it intends to convey.

Why We Make Mistakes

This chapter was part of an overall larger book and was authored by Joseph Hallinan. The chapter talks about mistakes, humans, and gives a few examples and reasons for why mistakes might commonly occur. It started out talking about a pilot who crashed his plane due to his inability to perform his duties. He was concerned about a burnt out light and failed to maintain proper plane control. Mistakes do happen in life and no one is exempt from this.

A big reason the author gives for the cause of mistakes are distractions from a primary task. He talks a bit more about this when going into the subject of multi-tasking. As the digital world evolves, it's becoming easier and easier to focus on one thing, put it aside, and then focus on another. Doing this causes a lack of focus on other areas, possibly resulting in some sort of mistake. A lack of efficiency seems to be a direct result from distractions and a low efficiency eating then causes mistakes.

The chapter then talks about and gives an example of this multi-tasking issue. A bus driver crashed his bus into a wall because he was doing other things instead of driving.

Relating this to computer science, this makes me realize the important of delegating tasks efficiently and making sure the right things get done in the right order. Priority is an aspect that I believe should be inherent and always exist no matter which task is switched to. Losing focus of what's important can be really harmful to important and primary tasks.

The author then went on to give a few more examples that resulted in automobile accidents and a few deaths. Overall , I believe this chapter is important in that it touches on what I talked about earlier. Maintaining focus and efficiency is key when evolving to a multi-tasked digital world.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Book Reading #6 - Opening Skinner's Box

Chapter 1
In this chapter, we are introduced to the author and skinner's experiments. We learn a little of the background and learn that reward and consequence can have a great effect on a person's ability to perform an action. Specifically, the experiments Skinner had performed was in regards to animal training and how animals could be trained to do something specific if the reward was right and they were conditioned to do so. He explains that free will is a bit of an illusion and there are rewards and consequences that are considered when people do things. I don't really agree with this as I feel people are generally more complex than this, but it's an interesting topic. The thing I feel that differentiates us from more simple minded beings is that a lot more goes on in processing material than a simple trained animal. I think emotion plays a big part in how people think.

Chapter 2:
In this chapter, it caught me off guard a bit as it talked about Milgram's experiments and Obedience to Authority a bit more. He talked about how people are obedient and the vise versa and explained reasoning behind a few of Milgram's experiments. What caught my interest is that he interviewed people later on that were in his story and they very differently contrasted from how they were portrayed in the book. This either makes me think that the assumptions made by the author were incorrect or the two people interviewed had learned off what they had done and had changed as a result of it. I believe the first one more as I think it is hard to generalize someone without truly getting to know them deep down first.

Chapter 3:
This chapter was interesting. Mostly because I feel it touches on a subject most people usually have different opinions on. The author talked about an experiment in which normal-'seeming' people were 'diagnosed' with a mental problem and sent to a asylum to be 'taken care of'. A lot of what was in this chapter could be considered as interpretations and more definitely not factual, but I was interested in the author's view and how the psychiatrists reacted to the people who were supposed to be considered normal by most people.

I feel people in general are hard to categorize and most people who go about their lives probably have something deep down they deal with everyday and never realize. They instead think of themselves as normal, not realizing that other people think of life differently than they do (How could they?). They wake up everyday thinking some thought and considering the worry and physical pain from it to be normal and not realize they have a chemical deep down that makes that feeling appear more vibrant than most people do. Because you can't mentally put yourself in other people's minds, I do not believe it when people disagree with someone else's assumptions about themselves.

This chapter really got me thinking, especially when I heard how many people disagreed with people don't really have problems. True, you can get rid of most I feel from what I have read in the chapter through sheer will power, but to some people it is harder than most to do so. And the reason for that may be deeper than a simple worry at night.

Chapter 4:
This chapter was interesting to me in that it talked about social acceptance and how much another person's actions plays a part in your own actions. We learn how to survive life best by experiences and I feel that plays a part even until death. In some people it is more apparent than others. I feel that a lot of people never get out of that cycle and eventually don't give a second thought about their actions directly correlating to someone else's actions.

The chapter talked about an experiment in which smoke was produced inside a room with an actor and people who weren't yet acquainted with the room. The actor had acted like the smoke was a common occurrence and the people took his actions onto themselves and didn't make a big deal about the smoke.

I feel there are some people who are generally more independent and feel it is their own responsibility to act on their own accord even if other people don't think the same. But they are in the small percentage and usually people just accept what everyone else is doing. I think I am part of the first group, but I think it inside my head. If someone was in trouble and no one else was helping, I would act out if the time called for it. I have done it before and it is like another me is taking control.

Chapter 5:
This chapter was a little strange to me. I couldn't really make sense of what the author was trying to get it underneath it all. In short, it talked about dissonance and the ability of someone to do something else besides the norm based on social acceptance and recognition. It talked about a cult who believed a crazy myth and considered it to be normal because the other people in the cult followed the same way.

I think the author tried to generalize people too much in this chapter and like I have stated before, people aren't really that general and easy to predict. The example he gave that someone would change their mind over a dollar is an easy proof as to my belief that people aren't exactly sure themselves of what they want. But then again there are other people who are dead set in their ways and will not change for the end of the world. I feel that people are too inconsistent in general to be generalized like this.

Chapter 6:
This chapter talked about Harry Harlow and his experiments with bonds and monkeys. I didn't really like his experiments, but seemed to enjoy the reactions of other people in class more than his findings. I agreed with the people who said it was a horrible experiment to perform and that it took away a bond that should have been cherished to begin with. Who's to say that animals in general aren't as important to humans?

I found it interesting that bonds were important in the early stages of life, but I feel that is common sense and can be seen even by the normal events that happen in even humans lives. Many families are broken up because they lack this initial bond to begin with.

Chapter 7:
I found this chapter interesting. It talked about addiction and the belief Alexander and other people had that it wasn't the ingredients that caused addiction in drugs, but instead the environment of the drug-user to begin with. I found myself agreeing with both sides a bit. Like most things, too many things play a part in to most reasons that can't really be explained today. I do feel environments play a factor in addiction, but I think it's not the environment that makes this true, but the way the drug-user feels inside of the environment.

If their life just plain sucks, of course they will look to other actions that will make their lives seem better. On the other hand, someone who's life is perfect will most likely in my view use drugs with a less chance than the previous. But there are also people with lives so perfect that are messed up with a mistake as simple as this as well. It's hard to generalize, but I do feel what happens in peoples heads (non chemical) plays the most important part in this topic.

Chapter 8:
This chapter talked about memory and experiment Loftus did where a 'false' memory was considered as being the correct one. It was an experiment done to a person's memory where they were told they were lost in a mall at a young age. Being that young and with no recollection of this memory, it turns out around 1/4 of the people experimented on believed the false occurrence.

I found myself with a sharp contrast in belief to this experiment. This just makes me think at this point, were the first 8 chapters I have read so far all for nothing? I do not feel I fall with the 1/4 and cannot see how I can be told something about myself that I didn't already remember. When my parents tell me I was a certain way when I was younger, I feel I can support their claims with my own feelings at that age. If they told me something that wasn't in my collection and didn't make sense with something that I would normally do, I wouldn't trust it.

I personally feel my memory is better than my parents and I remember things when I was only 2 or 3 years old. They tell me that's not possible to remember at that young of an age, but I really do feel I remember. I can remember details they have forgotten and only realized were true many years later when they visited the house I said I remember. I feel I am strong in my views and that is really different than I feel most people think.

Chapter 9:
I feel as this chapter and the following were most interesting of all chapters as it talked about areas that are a bit more factual and go into a person's beliefs and their willingness to fix themselves. It talked about Eric Kandel and his patients when undergoing a surgery called a lobotomy. This is where the frontal lobe of the brain is poked, removed, and prodded until the symptom the patient is experiencing is removed and 'cured'. I  do feel that humans are like computers in a way and certain parts of the brain control specific functions, so it makes sense that messing with a specific part of a brain can cure certain issues. But I do not feel we are far enough technologically to make this possible safely. The patient talked about the surgery working and his OCD being less apparent. I feel this may be true, but there was also another patient who did not recover and is living 'broken' unable to learn new memories. I feel the areas of science are important, but we should look at other ways to solving this than what was performed above.

Chapter 10:
This is the second most interesting chapter to me as it talked a bit more about the lobotomies performed and drugs that also alter a person's way he or her thinks. The downsides to both procedures and drugs were talked about and I do feel myself agreeing that drugs can have more of an effect in the long term than the short term issues that come up with surgeries. I feel drugs and surgeries are there for people if they need them, but feel it depends on if the person wants them or not. I feel alternatives should be suggested and a REAL actual effort must be put into self-cure if the ability is possible before so.

Before this book, I had no idea who Skinner was. It was an interesting read but I feel afterwards that all this book makes me think is that what I read all a waste? People can't really be generalized and it can be harmful if a specific algorithm is applied to everyone as a whole. In relation to computer science, that was my belief. I do not feel there is enough information as we are not that technologically advanced yet to investigate this further. In the future, I do feel that people can be adapted to and 'modified' in their ways more scientifically but it will probably end up as a nanite or something small in everyone that detects the differences in people and takes those in consideration before modifying something.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Book Reading #?: Odedience to Authority

Chapter Summary 1:
This chapter serves as an intro the authority. I did not read the pretext before I began this book so I was a little caught off guard as to the nature of the experiment mentioned in this chapter. This chapter talked about the responsibility of authority and how people act under an authority figure with an agenda besides their own. They talked about the experiment of shocking others under the pretense that it was your responsibility to submit and follow rules. I have heard other people in discussions in class talk about how they don't know if they would follow their own morals and might do the same as the figures in this book, but this chapter made me think even stronger of my own morals. I don't think I would ever intentionally harm another like they do in this book.

Chapter Summary 2:
This chapter talked a bit more about the experiment and went a bit further in depth. It talked about the situation the experimenters and participants were in and mentioned that the situation was a bit more complicated than most people think. I disagree with this a bit in the sense that I believe people are often easily clouded in judgement and need to take an outside look on things instead of letting emotions get the better of them. In some cases, this is a bit harder to do. They must have had a overwhelming environment for the experimenters to act the way they did in this chapter. They talked about how they recruited volunteers, what the person undergoing the experiment had to go through, and how the shock worked. Changes were made apparently during the experiment based on the volunteer's responses. An actor was also present to make the experiment more dramatic and decrease the chance of non belief.

Chapter Summary 3:
This chapter talked about the different subjects that underwent the experiment and how the people who underwent the experiment were from a select group of people (Specifically college students, adults, and psychiatric experts). All participants seemed to be mature in age. The author mentioned that people are usually there with good intent and think independently, but are extremely susceptible to change and authority.

Chapter Summary 4:
This chapter talked about the experiment and the results. It went on to talk about how the participants (although originally good willed) usually submitted to authority and shocked people when they were told. They passed off their own morals in the sense as they were just doing what they were told. A few people told themselves they were doing it in the name of science. Disobedience was talked about a bit in this chapter and the relationship between the shocker and 'shockee' was further expanded upon. A sense of suffering and morals began to conflict with their submission to authority.

Chapter Summary 5:
This chapter talked about the subjects specifically and their own justifications on why they followed through with the experiment. An experimenter finally made an impression on me in this chapter in that he became disobedient and talked about how the experiment is really harmful for the person being shocked. It shows an outside point of view in this chapter and talked a bit about the pain involved.

Chapter Summary 6:
This chapter yet again talks about the experiment, but shows that they changed the experiment up a bit. The situation was changed a bit and they had some people not present that were normally present and watched to see if there was any change in people's view on authority and their willingness to follow through with the experiment. To my satisfaction, results were changed and people became less willing and less authoritative figures were present. Although the opposite was also true.

Chapter Summary 7:
This chapter was a bit different than the rest and talked about experiences some people had with the experiment and in one case how someone was able to justify his actions by passing off and forgetting about his own morals. Robot-like in my opinion. One lady mentioned that she acted different when trying to prove herself to other people than how she normally did. Another woman had became disobedient early and told the authoritative figures her views early on. She was more scientific and skilled than the other people. She had a more broad and outside view than the others as well. I found that interesting. She also seemed to give reason that it wasn't because she was having issues or she was stressed, but because she knew what was right. That was the most interesting and inspiring of all.

Chapter Summary 8:
This chapter talked about authority and the transfer or obligations a bit more. What caught me off guard is that the situation was reversed in this chapter. The person being shocked wanted it and the authority seemed to want to stop the experiment. Strangely enough, the person following directions stopped more willingly. I found this interesting but it follows the notion that people submit to authority and forget about the victim. Using this as a pretext, it's easy to see why they would still follow their initial beliefs and go with the authority figure instead of the one in pain.

Chapter Summary 9:
This chapter talked about changing the group up a bit to see different results. It talked about peer influence a bit more and that people were more willing to follow the group's view when banded together. Strangely, I think the group's view was more strong than the authority's view to the subject.

Chapter Summary 10:
This chapter talked about hierarchy, obedience, and the social aspect to it. The author said that people are usually trained at a young age to submit to authority and respect them. Most of society in general has a social hierarchy that people follow. The author also talked about a state of agency and the concept of agentic shift.

Chapter Summary 11:
This chapter talked about the process that usually influences people when it comes to obedience. It talked about his concept in the previous chapter of agentic shifts and that certain conditions have to be met before it can happen. (In his example usually the concept of family, environment, and rewards). Anxiety plays a big part in this concept.

Chapter Summary 12:
This chapter talks about the concept of strain and how it influences actions by people. Avoidance is used to help remove some of this strain, but strain plays a big part in obedience and the ways people think about issues they aren't comfortable with. This was an interesting chapter in that I never thought of strain itself as the thing that people struggle with. I usually had it the other way around than how the author describes this.

Chapter Summary 13:
This chapter talked about the author and his experiment's issues he faced. It seemed to me he wanted to counter people's disbelief in this experiment by providing reason of his own. People said that his subjects were in a different time period than the past WW2 setting he described, people weren't actually giving shocks, and that you can't generalize people by the actions of these few people. Everyone is different. I found myself siding with the dis beliefs rather than his counter points. I like to believe in people and will always try to follow through this. Most of his arguments somehow completely slipped my mind.

Chapter Summary 14:
This is the last chapter and talks about present day a bit. He also talks about people who have the ability to follow through with his experiments the most, soldiers. He says they're trained to follow authority and even kill people before they actually have to do so. Training is done early on and soldiers are extremely capable of passing morals off and submitting to authority. Rewards and punishments are talked about more in this chapter and he mentions people are coded to follow through with authority. Punishments await for people who don't.

Book Response:
I found this book interesting but not to my liking as much compared to previous books I have read for this course. Mostly because I found myself disagreeing with a lot of the author's points and his disbelief in people in general. I don't like the way he generalizes people and tried to justify his actions from the start in the name of science. I do however believe that a lot of people believe this way and are generally more susceptible to authority and committing acts that do not generally agree with their own morals. I think some people are too quick to give up on their own goals and morals and a lot of people are simply just bad people.

I learned a few terms and was interested though that more people than I realize have trouble with anxiety and stress. The difference between them and me though is that they are more willing to give up and do the unthinkable. The capacity of human kind is shown in this book and kind of elaborates what we see sometimes when people do horrible things.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Book Reading #4: Gang Leader for a Day

Chapter Thoughts:
Chapter 1:
This chapter was very descriptive and seemed like it was just setting a back-story of the author and his entry into the gang. It talked about a little about J.T and the author (Sudhir Venkatesh) stating that he wasn't that familiar with the gang surrounding and environment, thus thought his means of inquiry and study would not prove that useful. This chapter was interesting in that I was amazed how someone would freely someone would jump into an area so dangerous and be so naive about it. If I were in his shoes, I don't think I would be able to or frankly just want to jump into an area that I don't know much about. I like to get acquainted before I do what he does.

Chapter 2:
This chapter talked a lot about the introduction the author made into the gang and went more in depth on how J.T. had such an interesting background. The author was shocked to hear that the gang leader had an actual education but found it easier to make a living where he was now. They also talked about more of what the gang did in terms of who they were (Black King gang), and spoke a little about the community he would be living in as a community instead of just a project. There was also a little violence at the end of the chapter towards C-Note that filled expectations I had before reading this book. I knew there would probably be more conflicts to come at this point.

Chapter 3:
This chapter went more in depth about the author's actual experience and not just from testimonies from J.T. and the women he had met. As I anticipated last chapter, there was sure enough more violence, especially by the gang leader at this point, towards other members of the project. When the author had asked why this had to occur, J.T. stated that it was important to let the people know his position and the people under him their own place as well. The author sees at this point first-hand how the community is a community instead of just a place and how people are willing to lie and hurt others just to prove a point.

Chapter 4:
This chapter reflects the book's title in that Sudhir (the author) was allowed to be the leader of a gang for a day. He was told to deal with the issues J.T. normally encountered and had tried to stay away from violence and weapons to make his point towards the community. In my eyes, he really didn't do much as a leader and was apparent that he lacked the skill needed to manage others. Even the community had noticed this when he took charge as well. He encountered a problem later on in the chapter where someone stole money from Billy and punished the person responsible in the end. This chapter was really boring for me and seemed to lack a lot of interesting qualities the previous chapters have had.

Chapter 5:
This chapter talked about the author's encounter with everyday life for the community outside of the actual gang. To show this, J.T. became close in this chapter with Ms. Bailey (a member of the community) and found out what exactly she does to help manage the community members not a part of the gang. The author's initial approach on how Ms. Bailey handled and took charge of her area was really critical. I'm not sure if it was because he didn't respect her as much as J.T. or if it was because she was a girl during that time who took charge. But the author was shocked after getting to know her in that she handled things on her end a bit like J.T. in that she likes money and is really controlling. She did good things as well though as she lobbied a group to get things done for the families who needed it in her community as well as trying to raise donations to help the people in her community from businesses.

Chapter 6:
This chapter was really interesting in that it caused immediate conflict for the author between him and the people he had worked hard to get acquainted with. In this section ,the author began interviewing and getting to know people of the community outside of Ms. Bailey and J.T. He found out that there is a lot that goes on and many businesses practices that he did not know about initially before. After getting close to a lot of members in the community and establishing a neutral name for himself, he eventually got those residents to open up and talk to him about how they survived in the community and a few of them even their own business practices to make money. After finding out all of this information, he went back to J.T. and Ms. Bailey with what he had learned. They in return used the information against the others to try and boost their own status. This only created conflict to the author between him and the people he just met. It got me a little angry at this point how easily he betrayed every one's trust to gain a higher relationship between him and the leaders.

Chapter 7:
This chapter was a bit more violent than the others and made it apparent on how dangerous the lifestyle of a gang member is. Later on in the chapter, we learned that the author's status in the BK gang had become more important than it was before and he was learning more how people with authority worked. Related to this, he got to know an officer (Reggie) who was familiar with that community and tried to gain his perspective as an officer. He learned that the officers weren't as nice as the world portrays them to be and took great offense that he was relating to the gang. He learned that being seen with the police had very bad consequences and started to become questioned not only be the police, but by the members of the community as well. Towards the end of the chapter, one of J.T.'s men gets shot and the author helps him out dealing with the crisis. This only heightens his relationship between the two.

Chapter 8:
From the previous chapter, we can see that the author's research is coming to a close and things start to get a bit less interesting at this point. We eventually learn that the building they stay in (Robert Taylor) is scheduled to be demolished and the community is forced to evacuate. During this time, the author is introduced into actual King members and learns that things get less chaotic and more civil as you move up in gang rank. Everyone's true side comes out during this chapter and even the author starts to notice how he was now compared to how he was before. Ms. Bailey's true side in that she didn't help for free was really apparent when members of the community came to her for help in the evacuation process. All in all, this chapter was very neutral and felt it was an appropriate end to such a violent topic. For things to get from chaotic to more in control was something I had liked.

Book thoughts:
A lot of what I thought about the book was written in my chapter summaries, but I enjoyed reading this book. I would not probably go out and buy this book to read on my own, as I try to avoid topics like this and take a naive view on people like this. But for a school book, this was more interesting than other topics I had read in the past. It gives an insight on to how exactly a gang works and shows that most gangs (even during these days), have such of an importance on people's lives, that the gang becomes their life. When you have something that can be as potentially dangerous as this situation is, every small thing done in that environment carries over to your everyday life.

As for the characters, I did not like a majority of the them. Most of the people there didn't try to better themselves and let themselves get stuck in the lifestyle they were living in. Even the author annoyed me a bit on how naive he was an how he was so ready to betray people he had gained trust with just to move himself higher in rank. He didn't seem to understand how bad things actually were and became heavily biased (although he said he was not) towards everything that happened. A normal person with a conscience would disagree with the ways done here and try things in his power if strong enough to make a change. He just watched and adapted. I guess that is what you have to do to survive in an environment like that though. What got me annoyed though was that even in the end of the book, the author still had the same views and didn't see much wrong with that he had done in the past.

What shocked me was that the cops weren't as nice and benevolent as I had used to think they are. When you think about it, they are normal people. So it doesn't surprise me (after thinking about it) that they eventually got corrupted and were so violent in their ways.

I thought this book was an interesting read, but there were a lot of events that didn't seem to flow and follow. I found myself reading about problems in the community one page and him talking about his life before he had met J.T. the next page. I think he broke a lot of rules in both in terms of morals and ethnography. I myself would not put myself in his shoes in the first place. Our goals and interests are extremely different.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blog Response: Ethanography Idea

It took me a while to try and think of what I would want to do a ethnography on, as I am interested in a lot of different areas of study but never actually gone through with my temptations. But if I would to do a ethnography on something, I think I would like to try it on gaming. I haven't been to many events and am not a 'pro gamer', but I have went once or twice to friend's events and the types of meetings and people they hold are really interesting. I would never have thought of a star athlete for A&M played a video game on the computer competitively. And although some people just look like typical geeky/energetic gamers the stereotype conveys, there are some really interesting characters there that don't mind being in the spotlight and frankly just being... weird. And there are also shy gamers as well that I have met. I would never have guessed they were gamers

If I were to suggest something to someone else it would be to do a study on foreign students transferring into A&M. Most students come here knowing no one, just trying to fit in and get an education. I found that a lot of them I have met have really interesting and motivating dreams. They inspire me because they worked so hard to get here and still managed to keep their dreams in focus.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Assignment 7: Nonobvious Observation

Group Video
The video we created as a group was repeated trials walking from the Zacary Building on campus to the McDonalds across the street. Everyone agreed to order food if they wanted, but ended up having all of us doing so when the predecessor before us came back with food. During the trip to McDonalds, we had to cross a light pole, several people going home from school, as well as the McDonalds staff when we were ordering our food. The most interesting responses from people near us were in regards to the camera attached to our head. We weren't allowed to hide the camera so it sparked people's interests, and in come cases worried them about being on film. We tried to make it as hard as possible to distinguish from one another, but I froze up during mine and made my own mistakes. Other people had defining traits on their arms and legs that would surely give their identities away as well. I've notice that no matter how hard you try to be the same, people's inert attributes about themselves are naturally given away.

Article Readings
We were assigned to read an article and chapter in regards to nonobvious observation. From reading the articles, I actually found myself really immersed in the topic. The articles started out a little boring but I eventually laughed as I noticed me noticing a lot of things in common with the author. She pointed out that pronouns can be used to find a person's type of personality. More so, she found that people were more prone to depression if they used negative words and talked about themselves/others all the time instead of mixing the viewpoint up. I found this the most interesting. People complain about their problems to people in hopes of making themselves feel better but usually end up doing the same thing the next time something occurs. They don't reflect upon it and look at the situation from an outside view.

I think I could tell a lot about people in how they write (rage, sad, happy) as well as using the content to figure out if they are looking at their problem from a critical view. Although some things can be taken out of context (satire,sarcasm, jest, etc), most people are usually blunt and straight forward about what they write to strangers.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Homework #4: Reflection on Ethnography Articles

Three different links were provided to us to gain a deeper understanding of what ethnography is.

Ethnography Itself:
Based on the Wikipedia and Book Description articles, I found this topic really interesting and really strange at the same. For a Technology and Computing course, this topic is a bit off topic, but I love it. From what I gathered, ethnography is the study of the nature of people, represented graphically and in writing. The goal of  an ethnographer is to explain not the culture itself, but the culture from the point of view from the native. I found that to do this, the author has to get to know the native on a personal level and relate to them. They have to be able to see their life and beliefs as they see it and try to learn culturally what's different.

I thought this was interesting and unique as I feel most people do not put the effort to try and understand this. People fight, argue, and create resentment towards other because they do not understand others. They are stuck in their own belief and fail to try to put themselves in the other person's shoes. If more people attempt to try and see life like this, I think people would most definitely get along better. As long as they are open to the ideas besides their own.

Coming of Age in Samoa and Reception:
This article was about a book which was written by an anthropologist.who studied the coming of age in Samoa. Field work was conducted in Samoa and focused on young women between the ages of 9 and 20. She found that the "passage from childhood to adulthood in Samoa was a smooth transition and not marked by the emotional or psychological distress, anxiety, or confusion seen in " America. After publishing these findings, reception was somewhat mean and commented by people who did not agree with the casual encounters the people of Samoa had between each other. Cultures between these two different lands were very different and people took offense to those differences.

One of those people was Derek Freeman, who attacked the book and author herself because of what was written. Freeman tried to prove her wrong by stating her encounters were falsified and lied about, but eventually was proven wrong himself in that he wasn't able to see the life the Samoa people had because he didn't emotionally connect.

I think this topic is very interesting and will be something people will eventually come to appreciate as cultures and people begin to blend together.