Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Blog Entry #0 : The Introduction

Hi! I'm Zack and this is my introductory blog for CSCE 436! This course is about computer and human interactions and i'm sure more blogs will follow. Let's Interact! This is me below...

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Class Standing: (5th year Senior)

I'm taking this class because the topic seemed really interesting to me. Learning how technology and humans interact with each other on a deeper level will most likely help me with my future goals in life. I come to this class with a long-term technology-tinkering history and always had my own ideas in mind on how technology should be shown to people.

Eventually in life I want to have a stable career and still be able to pursue my own hobbies on the side. I have deep passions and would like to have a job where I make a difference to people. From starting a new technology trend to finding bad guys with my own technological skills, I really want to matter.

On the side I love tinkering with music and creating contraptions around my house to make my own life easier. Being able to pursue a hobby in entertainment or music would allow me to express my creative side and really makes me happy.

After I graduate, taking part in either interest would really be something I would like. I really want to start my own company, but I am worried it might not allow me to pursue my own hobbies. 10 years later I would hope to have a wife, eventually kids, and still be able to pursue my current interests. Having the same goals that far down as now would be divine.

If I had to guess of the next technological advancement in computer science, I would say it would have something to do with simplifying life. I've found people enjoy simplicity and the more technology advances, the easier it becomes to use. Maybe something that everyone can use every day would be the next big thing. Maybe a home-AI?

If I could travel back in time, I would try and meet Einstein and ask his values and goals. Having such a chaotic life with so many mishaps, yet still eventually having such a big influence on the world really amazes me. I want to be able to understand his views and relate them to my own.

If I could be fluent in a language not my own, I would pick Japanese. I wouldn't mind moving there as the technology there and culture really interests me. Lots of people there are creative and driven. Being in such an environment would only help my eventual goals.

A fact about myself is that I have actually talked to real life composers thanks to social networking. I'm Facebook friends with a few and a few had even commented on pieces of work I had posted. What they had to say about what I do really inspired me.


  1. so do you compose yourself as well? what composers did you meet?

    1. I just started playing piano about a year or so ago, so I'm still learning. But I have composed a few pieces myself. Mostly orchestral/cinematic/trailer music. Thw two composers who actually commented on my work were someone named Nick Murray and John Powell. Nick makes trailer music and daniel scores music for films.
